Bayfit 566 Comp B

ayfit 566 is a water-blown (MDI)/polyether based foam system used to manufacture high resilience (HR) cold-cure flex molded foam with medium to high load bearing properties. This system is characterized by good flow behavior in a wide variety of parts. Applications include office furniture, recreational seating, armrests and cushions. Bayfit 566 foam made at indices ranging from 80 to 105 typically passes the requirements of CAL-117 for flame resistance. Foams made at higher indices typically do not. As with any product, use of the Bayfit 566 system in a given application must be tested (including field testing, etc.) in advance by the user to determine suitability

SKU: 13899 Category: Tag:

For samples, technical data sheets (TDS), safety data sheets (SDS) or general questions, please contact a specialty chemical representative.